What Are The Gaps In Malaysia’s IR4.0 Agenda?
That’s a good question. Malaysia is one of the countries that is forging ahead with IR 4.0 and has launched a national policy to accelerate and equip its industries and society for the digital and technological transformation12.
However, Malaysia also faces some challenges and gaps in terms of its readiness and competitiveness in IR 4.0 compared to other countries.
According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report 2019, Malaysia ranked 27th out of 141 countries in overall competitiveness, but only 34th in innovation capability and 37th in ICT adoption.
Some of the factors that affect Malaysia’s performance in IR 4.0 include:
5 Factors That Needs To Be Addressed
- The availability and quality of digital infrastructure
- The level of awareness and adoption of IR 4.0 technologies among businesses and consumers, the adequacy and relevance of skills and talent development
- The alignment and agility of regulations and standards
- The effectiveness and efficiency of public sector services, and
- The sustainability and inclusivity of social and environmental outcomes.
IR 4.0 Policy Strategies and Initiatives
Therefore, Malaysia needs to address these challenges and gaps by implementing its IR 4.0 policy strategies and initiatives, as well as collaborating with various stakeholders such as industry players, academia, research institutions, civil society and international partners12 .
By doing so, Malaysia can improve its ranking and reputation as a high-tech industry hub and a total solution provider for manufacturing sector in Asia Pacific by 2025.